Best places to live in Bangalore

Rankings, prices, and testimonials are important tools for any home buyer. But there are other factors you need to consider before making an informed decision about where to buy a house. Need to know weather conditions, number of sunny days per month, annual rainfall, or even the average time it takes to commute to work? You'll find all this information in our reports.

Bangalore has been named the most liveable city in India and one of the top ten most liveable cities in Asia by Lonely Planet.

Rent, Buy or Find out about the right places to live in Bangalore on the free property listing in India. Here you can find your dream home near your favorite school, college, restaurant, bar, shop, or workplace among many others. Our listings are updated daily to provide you with the latest information about Bangalore property market trends.

Bangalore is India's IT capital and it offers a healthy lifestyle to its residents as well as driving aspirations. The city is fast making a name for itself as an investment destination with property prices already at reasonable levels.

Bangalore is soon emerging as the IT capital of India. The city offers a unique combination of scenic beauty, pleasant climate, a plethora of cultural activities and amenities developed at par with any metropolitan city in the world. This is an angle about Bangalores best places to live.

Bangalore, Karnataka is India's Silicon Valley. It is also known as the "Pub City" of India because this city has numerous pubs and clubs. Bangalore is one of the fastest-growing cities in the world. For more than 40 years, Bangalore has supported the global electronics industry. Bangalore offers many job opportunities due to the growth of software establishments, call centers, and back-office financial services.

Best places to live in Bangalore

Rankings, prices, and testimonials are important tools for any home buyer. But there are other factors you need to consider before making an...